Sunday, April 6, 2014


I was assigned to comment on Bill Genereux's blog titled "Tech Intersect." He is an associate professor of computer systems technology at Kansas State University at Salina. One of Genereux's blog posts was titled "Pineapples don't have sleeves." This post was about his daughter being confused about a question in her reading assignment. The question had an excerpt from the children's tale Pinocchio and then asked what the sentence showed. The question could be very confusing if you read different interpretations of the tale. I commented saying that especially on standardized tests, there should be absolutely no confusion for these kids. It can be stressful for the child and should not be that way.

Another one of Bill Genereux's post was titled "25 Thing Every Young Professional Should Know by Age 25." This was a list written by Danny Rubin. Genereux's talks about number 20 was his favorite on the list. "The days of a college syllabus are long gone. If you're waiting for someone to give you direction, have a seat. You'll be there a while." He says it is frustrating that his students was him to explain every little detail that he wants from them when he is just trying to get them a little room to figure it out on their own. I commented saying I did agree with # 20 from the list, but my favorite was #21. "Everyone likes to receive praise, but the smartest young adults actively seek constructive criticism." I do like receiving constructive criticism and I try to apply it when I get it.



  1. Hi Jamie! Your blog looks great! I'm taking notes and getting ideas for my own blog. :)
    My name is Chea Driver, and I am a student in EDM510.

    I like #21, as well. About #20, I think part of the reason students want to know exactly what to do is because they are afraid of being wrong and getting a poor grade. I know that's the reason I want to know exactly what I'm supposed to do, but I had to give that up this semester with Dr. Strange. I have learned to trust my own abilities and show him what I'm capable of doing. It has actually been very liberating, and I'm really enjoying the freedom it allows in creativity and expressing myself!

  2. Hi Jamie, Your blog is great, and I love the purple! I enjoyed reading about your C4T assigned blogger. His points were interesting. When he says there are no longer syllabuses is college, he is absolutely correct. We have had to learn recently that the professor may not tell your everything you need to know, in order to complete a project. These days a student in college has to do their work independently. Again, great post keep up the hard work.
